The US Secret Service shot an armed man outside the White House early on Sunday after a confrontation, and the man is now in ...
Speaking at a Socialist Party meeting in Santiago de Compostela, north-west Spain, Sanchez underscored the urgency for Europe to take greater responsibility for its own security in light of strained ...
两位美国联邦参议员这个星期在国会山对台湾防务开支在立法院遭删减表达关切和担忧,并质疑台湾如果没有兴趣保护自己,美国人为何要为台湾冒死亡风险?一位议员甚至直指台湾最大在野党国民党“正在玩一场危险游戏”发出错误信号,学者建议台湾朝野正视自我防卫能力,团结 ...