去朋友家“蹭年”,是一种全新的春节体验方式。它不仅能让你节省费用、享受地道的本地导游服务、感受热闹的春节氛围和不同的年味体验,还能给你带来一些额外的惊喜和收获。在这个充满欢声笑语的节日里,不妨尝试一下这种新颖的过年方式吧!相信你一定会有一个难忘的春节 ...
最近一位 61 岁患有高血压的老人在飞机上猝死冲上热搜,原因正在调查中。高空飞行环境特殊,机舱内气压降低、空气湿度低、氧气含量减少,都有可能造成额外的风险。如何避免这类情况的发生,对于我们每个人来说都非常重要。
(1)虽然现代飞机内部的空气是加压的,飞行时内部气压相当于海拔 1500 - 2500 米的高度,比万米高空好不少,但和地面相比还是低压环境。这种低压可能会导致伤口内部或者手术部位的气体膨胀,或者植入的物体移位。
“三亚,我们终于来了!” ...
Tourists from a tour group, the first one from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states since China ...
Many visitors cross this bridge to seek good luck in their exams, according to tour guide Zuo Jingjing. The history of the academy can be traced back to before 1467, to the Tang (618-907) and Song ...
Estimates by financial services provider Morgan Stanley show that inbound tourism is expected to generate cumulative revenues of between $1.7 trillion and $4.5 trillion for China over the next decade, ...