With this delightfully warm weather, the earth is coming alive. Buds are swelling, maples are flowering, and the birds have ...
A narrow patch of land stands between the invasive species and the Pilbara – 27 million hectares where native species thrive. A new program taking aim at the cane toads’ Achilles heel.
An entrancing woodland with pastures, streams and remarkable British wildlife can be found in just a 17-minute journey from ...
The migration season for frogs, toads and co. has begun in the Ländle. Many of the native species are endangered. Spawning ...
If a road has lots of toads crossing in the spring, it can be registered with Froglife and a patrol set up to ferry toads ...
HippFest, a silent film and live music festival based in Bo’Ness, is back this March, and one of the filmmakers, Moira Salt, has developed a silent film focusing on Scotland’s canals. Mark met up with ...
The presence and health of frogs and toads are indicators of a healthy ecosystem. Researchers sound alarm over distressing ...
When I was a little girl, I fell in love with nature. We lived by the woods and a pond in Hyannis, and every night in spring ...
Since amphibians use our gardens throughout the year, they need shelter, such as a log pile, a dead hedge, a compost heap or the odd boulder.
Thousands of toads, frogs and newts inching through the damp undergrowth on their way to breed will arrive safely at their ...
A dead hedge is exactly what it sounds like: a row of sturdy stakes knocked into the ground with heaps of cut branches and ...