Dr. Bruce A. Ware, Professor of Christian Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS), took some time to talk to the Christian Post about Open theism from an opposing viewpoint on June 3, ...
Dr. Clark H. Pinnock, one of the leading proponents of Open Theism, took some time to speak to the Christian Post on June 2, 2005. What is Open Theism(OT)? OT is a fresh branch on the tree of Free ...
With the launch of this column last week, we officially set sail on a grand and farreaching journey that will eventually take us from the uttermost reaches of the cosmos to the depths of human ...
Results from Friday morning's session at the PIAA Class 2A Wrestling Tournament in Hershey, Pa.
Results from Friday morning's session at the PIAA Class 2A Wrestling Tournament in Hershey, Pa.
In fact, around the world, religions are set to survive quite nicely, thank you. That’s the surprising result of a Pew ...
After getting a taste of it during Sanjay Gandhi’s time, I tried moving up the political ladder independently of my family’s ...
Another day, another example of the war we are in: While we are at it, we better not mention the “M” word or the “t”… ...