香港特区政府拟通过削减1万个公务员职位与冻结薪资,控制不断上升的赤字,并计划大力推动人工智能发展,以应对全球经济的不确定性、地缘政治紧张局势和疲软的房地产市场带来的不利影响。 香港财政司司长陈茂波星期三 (2月26日)在说明香港年度财政预算案时表示: ...
Os legisladores chineses começaram nesta segunda-feira a deliberar sobre um projeto de revisão da lei da aviação civil, em ...
according to the regional administration of the Civil Aviation Administration of China. Previously, Xizang had two ...
The total number of inter-regional passenger trips across China during the 40-day Spring Festival travel rush, also known as ...
BEIJING, Feb. 28 (Xinhua) -- China's AG600 large amphibious aircraft on Friday completed all of its prior-certification flight test subjects, a key step toward achieving its airworthiness ...
Los legisladores chinos comenzaron hoy lunes a deliberar sobre un proyecto de revisión de la ley de aviación civil, en medio de los esfuerzos para salvaguardar la soberanía del espacio aéreo ...
领导美国政府效率部(DOGE)的全球首富马斯克,在2025年2月13日迪拜世界政府高峰会议上演讲时表示:“我们这里真正有的是官僚主义统治,而不是人民统治——民主”。自政府效率部成立以来,马斯克和他的团队以前所未有的速度“铲除”美国政府的联邦机构,这也 ...
这是2月23日在斯里兰卡贾夫纳拍摄的贾夫纳公共图书馆。贾夫纳是斯里兰卡北部的一座沿海城市,曾在内战期间饱受战火创伤,如今这座城市已焕发新生。 [新华社记者 陈冬书 摄] ...
2020 年,哈佛大学的学生报《哈佛克里姆森报》(The Harvard Crimson)报道了针对人类学系 3 名教授的性骚扰指控。
CHENGDU, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) -- China's first privately-funded aeroengine test facility has begun construction in Chongzhou, Sichuan Province.
In a major move for China’s logistics sector, the country has successfully completed its first intercity low-altitude large-scale drone cargo flight.
Stüssy Tears, a collaboration between Denim Tears, a streetwear brand founded by Tremaine Emory, and Stüssy, was officially announced last month and has officially released on Valentine’s day.