German Soccer Player's Child Bites Referee's Testicle

Surgery to bring the testicle down into the scrotum is needed if you can never feel one or both testicles or if one is particularly high appearing to be almost in a boy's groin and never coming ...
Another six underwent ultrasounds that revealed an absence of blood flow to a testicle, and they were scheduled for ...
Testicular cancer can be successfully treated if it's caught early. Here's how to check yourself to ensure your boys stay ...
The Assin Fosu District Court, presided over by His Worship Abdul Majid Iliasu, has granted bail to Esi Affumwaa, a ...
DUISBURG, Germany (WKRC) - A referee cancelled a soccer game on account of debilitating pain he endured after a player's child bit him in the testicle. Referee Stefan Kahler said the incident ...