China's first 110-kV autonomous power grid restoration system, driven by artificial intelligence, has recently successfully ...
China's first 110-kV autonomous power grid restoration system, driven by artificial intelligence (AI), has recently ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
亚特兰大 - 市值达209.1亿美元的全国领先房屋建筑商PulteGroup Inc. (NYSE: PHM)宣布推出Del Webb Explore,这是其传统面向55岁以上人群的Del Webb社区的全新品牌延伸。Del Webb Explore旨在为所有年龄段的购房者提供相同的高端度假生活方式,首批社区将在南加州和坦帕湾地区开放。根据InvestingPro分析,PulteGroup目前的交 ...
风险提示: 基金有风险,投资需谨慎。文章涉及的观点和判断仅代表我们对当前时点的看法,基于市场环境的不确定性和多变性,所涉观点和判断后续可能发生调整或变化。本文仅用于沟通交流之目的,不构成任何投资建议。
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
这是《晚点 LatePost》 「开源对话」系列的第 2 篇。该系列将收录与开源相关的访谈与讨论。系列文章见文末的合集#开源对话。 上周五,DeepSeek 在官方 Twitter 上预告了下一周会连续 5 天开源 5 个代码库,进入 ...
Over the years, Chen has played a role as the key architect in spearheading the aircraft's upgrade and series development.
In July 2023, Wu Yuhuai joined Elon Musk’s newly formed xAI as a co-founder, with the goal of advancing artificial ...
In the vast expanse of television dramas, the genre of ancient宫斗 (宫斗) has carved out a niche for itself with its intricate ...