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A STUDY assessing coronary proximity in patients undergoing transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement (TPVR) with ...
In response to emailed questions, Systole Health CEO and Co-founder Dr. Simin Gharib Lee talked about how her company is addressing this medical need. I started Systole because I kept seeing the ...
Loading was varied from the extreme of zero pressure change to zero volume change during systole. Maximum peak systolic pressures were developed by isovolumetric, and maximum stroke volumes by ...
Ice baths have become increasingly popular over the past few years. Fitness enthusiasts and casual exercisers around the world are embracing this trend that was once reserved for elite athletes. A ...
Aortic valve morphology was examined by echocardiography in the two dimensional parasternal long axis and short axis views. The presence in short axis views of only two cusps in systole, diastole, or ...
Correspondence to: Ramachandran S Vasan, MD, Framingham Heart Study, 73, Mt Wayte Avenue, Framingham, MA 01702, USA; vasan{at} ...
Diastolic dysfunction is a heart condition that happens when there is a “stiffening” of the major pumping chambers of the organ (ventricles). This stiffness gets in the way of the heart’s ability to ...