Now, if we take the solar period to be 10(1/2 years, nearly in accordance with Dr. Lamont's and Mr. J. A. Broun's estimates, we get the subjoined table, which sufficiently explains itself.
Notice is hereby given that such land, lots and blocks in the subjoined list, which remain unpaid on Monday March 3, 2025, shall become subject to public sale. Proceeds for such sales are to be made ...
To the People of the State of New York: THE author of the "Notes on the State of Virginia, quoted in the last paper, has subjoined to that valuable work the draught of a constitution, which had been ...
or 0*5 inch. The results of these experiments are recorded in the subjoined table: Inflaming; point in degrees of Fan. Specific At a distance At a distance weight. of 1-5 in. of 0*5 in.