We're all familiar with Pavlovian conditioning, in which a reward-anticipatory behavior follows a reward-predicting stimulus. Perhaps you experience it yourself when passing a cafe or restaurant and ...
Most people are familiar with Pavlovian conditioning, in which a reward-anticipatory behavior follows a reward-predicting ...
2025年2月4日,复旦大学公共卫生学院余勇夫、秦国友课题组依托大型前瞻性队列,针对表型衰老加速,并结合多基因风险评分(PRS)以及生活方式评分,系统性地探究了表型衰老加速、遗传风险以及生活方式对2型糖尿病进展的影响。研究成果“Association ...
Excitability is a property of a cell, allowing it to respond to stimulation by rapid changes in membrane potential produced by ion fluxes across the plasma membrane. This is most commonly ...