Self-esteem provides a sense of meaning and value, shaping beliefs, emotions, behaviors, and ultimately significant life outcomes. Thus, it is crucial to understand self-esteem development, especially ...
Our cells use oxygen to generate energy by burning nutrients to keep various processes in the cell working. While making this energy in the mitochondria (the cell’s power plants), the cell also ...
In collaboration with the Lorentz Center and Rijksmuseum Boerhaave, Josephine Chambers (Urban Futures Studio), Mark Westmoreland (Leiden University) and Ekaterina Volkova organize this Lorentz Lecture ...
Kadans Science Partner is de ontwikkelaar van het transitiegebouw The Bridge. Een mijlpaal in de toekomstige huisvesting van de faculteit Bètawetenschappen ...
A healthy planet is Utrecht University’s theme for 2025. Cathryn Tonne (Barcelona Institute for Global Health) and Harini Nagendra (Azim Premji University, India) will receive this year’s honorary ...
Kunstmatige intelligentie kan ons een hoop werk uit handen nemen. Maar wat nog wel eens wordt vergeten, is dat het trainen van al die AI-modellen vaak heel veel handwerk vraagt. Een van die AI-trainer ...
Skillfully, Armanda den Exter picks up a chicken from the henhouses in the Farm Animals Building of Veterinary Medicine. It is clear she has held chickens before. “Hundreds,” she calculates, while ...