Up to few years ago, Weiss name was famous only among audio professionals, while it remained unknown in the consumer audio environment. In facts, Weiss Engineering achievements were so widely out and ...
Spesso si utilizza il termine jitter. Ma che cosa è in realtà il jitter, e quali sono i suoi effetti? In questo articolo tento di affrontare esaustivamente l'argomento. E, beh, sì, insomma, ...
Many of us have over the years come across amplifiers, mostly from reputable sources and at rather steep prices, which have made us want to have them. More often than not, two aspects have drawn our ...
Music is the reason for our hobby and there are many approaches that make sense depending on our needs and wants. I have only once in fifty odd years of hifi, ever owned a commercially built speaker ...
If you have already read the cited review of the CNM Tower you should be familiar with the solutions used in this series of loudspeakers. Actually, the Compact is - more or less - a Tower with a ...
Above is the basic application diagram of the TL431, including bypass capacitor C2 which reduces gain and noise at above DC. The input dropper resistor is replaced with a fixed current source of 30mA, ...
Cost: AU24 "e" loudspeaker cables: 1083 UKP for a 2 metre pair. (YMMV) Cost: au24e interconnects: 640 UKP for a 1 metre pair. (YMMV) Cost: Conductor interconnects: 190 UKP for a 1 metre pair. (YMMV) I ...
Recently there has been quite a discussion on the TNT forum regarding bass performance. One correspondent asked whether a piano got down as low as 50 Hz and it made me realise that most of us don't ...
The HUGE amount of letters and e-mails I've received from you FleXy-builders forces me to publish a rather comprehensive FAQ section, where -I hope- you'll find the answers to all the questions and ...
Back in January 2010, I reviewed the P&S OPC271 OPTO-POTENTIOMETER, a volume control that used Light Dependent Resistors (LDR's) to control the volume level. To recap briefly, this allows us to do ...
Some products are more inspiring than others and for non-audiophiles it can be a little bit difficult to understand our enthusiasm for equipment that only looks just like a box to anybody else. DACs ...
On a beautiful Sunday afternoon this past September, Cary Audio Design and Carolina Audio Society organized a factory tour at the Cary Audio factory. Danny Bernstein of C.A.S. was also kind enough to ...