Garrard Labs was a Company that between the 60s and the 80s designed and built many turntables and some of these are considered, even today, nice examples of high precision craftsmanship and of a ...
TNT-Audio caught up with noted speaker designer David Smith, ex-JBL, McIntosh, KEF, Snell, and PSB. Join TNT and Speaker Dave on a journey into the heart of speaker design, its history and current ...
Much has been written about ridding LP's of static. There are devices available to zap your LP's as well as plenty of Anti-Static sprays and all of these cost money that you could spend on something ...
Frequency response: Less than +/- 0.5 dB deviation 20Hz-20kHz Phase response: Less than 5 degrees deviation 20Hz-20kHz, or less than 2 degrees deviation 20Hz-20kHz, depending which Consonance/Opera ...
I'm pretty sure there are few audiophiles who ignore what Diapason has represented for the HiFi scene during the last ten years. Their flagship, the bookshelf Adamantes, has conquered so many ...
DIY projects for building audio and HiFi cables. Interconnects, digital, power and mains cables plus general theoric articles. All the projects are FREE and NOT FOR SALE.
Il formato CD è stato inventato da Philips; è vero che più tardi hanno unito le forze con la Sony per commercializzare il formato, ma le fondamenta erano state poste dalla Philips. Per questo, mi ...
Audio Research è sicuramente una delle Aziende che più ha creduto nella validità della tecnologia valvolare per applicazioni audio HiFi di alto livello. Le serie dei preamplificatori SP e dei finali ...
Quest'articolo delinea alcuni aspetti di base che possono influenzare il suono del vostro impianto, alcune volte piuttosto drammaticamente, e offre alcuni consigli e suggerimenti per effettuare alcuni ...
The Trasparent Cables are well known to the audiophile community for their strange appearance: almost every cable by this Company is equipped with a mysterious black box, called the Transparent ...
£500 extra buys the £2799 Thorens TD1601 over the £2299 TD1600. This £500 buys an optical sensor arm lift. "£500 for an end of side arm lift?" Demand Plebs, stage left, "Surely that's a lot of dosh to ...
Sound is vibration. Audio sys tems are primarily vibration generators. Many parts of an audio system are very effective vibration detectors too. The problems were explored in part 1 or our vibration ...