This supernova event likely occurred in the Upper Centaurus Lupus association, a group of massive stars approximately 457 light-years away from Earth. Life on Earth is constantly evolving under ...
Tropical riparian ecosystems — those found along rivers and wetlands — in what is now North China recovered within as little as 2 million years after the end-Permian extinction, one of the most ...
Paleontologists from the American University in Cairo and elsewhere say they have found an almost complete skull of the hyaenodont Bastetodon syrtos in the lower Oligocene layers of the Jebel Qatrani ...
Plant-eating sauropod dinosaurs were ecosystems engineers, profoundly changing their environments by knocking down trees and eating high volumes of vegetation. Following the end-Cretaceous mass ...
Astronomers using ESO’s Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) have created a stunning 80-million-pixel image of the star cluster RCW 38. RCW 38 is a super star cluster located ...
Paleontologists have unearthed the fossilized remains of two Jurassic bird species at a locality in Zhenghe county, Fujian province, southeast China. These 149-million-year-old fossils demonstrate the ...
Named SNR J0614-7251 and SNR J0624-6948, the newly-discovered supernova remnants reside in the outskirts of the Large Magellanic Cloud, the largest satellite galaxy of the Milky Way. “Supernovae are ...
Astronomers have imaged planetesimal belts in 74 planetary systems as part of the REsolved ALMA and SMA Observations of Nearby Stars (REASONS) survey. To find evidence for comets outside our Solar ...
The Tarantula Nebula is the most important star-forming complex in the Local Group of galaxies, which includes the Milky Way, the Large Magellanic Cloud, and the Andromeda galaxy. At its heart lies ...
A team of scientists from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, TUD Dresden University of Technology and the Australian National University, has discovered an ‘unexpected’ accumulation of ...
Blue whales and other baleen whales, which filter seawater through their mouths to feed on small marine life, once teemed in Earth’s oceans. In the 20th century, 1.5 million baleen whales were ...
The newly-discovered radio jet spans an astonishing 215,000 light-years, and is associated with J1601+3102, an extremely radio-loud quasar that existed just 1.2 billion years after the Big Bang. This ...