Tonic seizures can be generalised onset, meaning they affect both sides of the brain from the start. Or they can be focal onset, meaning they start in just one side of the brain. If a tonic seizure ...
At Epilepsy Action we know having the best people working for us is key to achieving our goals and ambitions. If you are considering a new role in a fantastic team, you will find everything you need ...
National Doodle Day WILL Return! Last year saw us celebrate our biggest EVER National Doodle Day, with the support of more than 600 artists, illustrators & celebrities that got doodling to raise funds ...
Find out more about epilepsy, the symptoms, how to get a diagnosis, treatments and more.
Epilepsy for primary care nurses is an online course for practice nurses and others working in primary care. During the course, you will learn everything you need to support patients with epilepsy. It ...
Tonic-clonic seizures are the type of epileptic seizure most people recognise. In the past they were called grand-mal seizures. Tonic-clonic seizures can have a generalised onset, meaning they affect ...
You may be able to claim benefits if you have epilepsy. There are also other financial support schemes available. This page has information about financial support for people with epilepsy and their ...
Epilepsy surgery is a treatment option for some people with seizures that can’t be controlled by taking epilepsy medicines. There are different types of brain surgery that can be used to treat ...
As you get older, you’re able to start making decisions about the things that are most important to you. It’s an exciting time, but being a young person with epilepsy can have its challenges too! On ...
Epilepsy can impact on many parts of your life. This section gives advice, information and support on how to live with your epilepsy.
Here we give information about safety equipment available to help people living with epilepsy. Find out more about the different types of safety equipment, including where you can buy them and ...
Caring for someone can be a real joy. And it can be really demanding. It can be hard to find your way around all of the different services on offer, and to look after your own wellbeing at the same ...