A source from the rapper's hometown of Detroit claims to have witnessed Eminem's transformation firsthand through some of his recent actions, according to AllHipHop.com. He stated that Eminem has been ...
Anxiety is defined as a feeling of worry or nervousness about something with an uncertain outcome. Anxiety is something we all experience, from worry about what to wear, what career to pursue, to ...
The church is facing tough competition for the time and attention of young people in an increasingly digital world, warns Jason Gardner. The theologian and youth worker told the Christian Resources ...
Lately I’ve realized that much of society is a pleasure-induced matrix which Christians find hard – or any need – to wake from. Hollywood’s creative take on the term ‘matrix’ burst onto the scenes in ...
We live in an instant gratification society. We expect things to happen in a micro split second, and we cannot even wait in line for 30 seconds without taking out our phones to post our next Facebook ...
A new research survey into the reasons why Australians don't accept Christian faith has just been released by Olive Tree Media. Olive Tree Media produces a range of Christian media resources including ...
Christianity throughout the ages has in many regions adopted cultural relevance in its worship and teaching styles. In my view the today's movements have gone beyond cultural relevance to market ...
Butterflies are one of God's prettiest creatures he created. Like tiny stain-glass windows fluttering around, they share a similar growth cycle to that of a Christian. All of us in one time or another ...
A few years ago, Christian apologist and author Lee Strobel said that in doing research for his book, The Case for Faith, he asked the Barna Group research organization to conduct a national survey ...
The issue of whether the definition of marriage should be legally changed to allow same-sex marriage has been dominating the ethical sphere in the Western World. Same-sex marriage has already been ...
"God is good and His timing is perfect!" Pastor Houston shared in a blog post explaining the expansion of his ministry to Hollywood. "Los Angeles is a city of millions of people â€" people chasing ...
So many theologians before me, whose names are household in the body of evangelical faith, have said that 'cricket' reflects life. I even recall former Australian cricket captain of the 60s Brian ...