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Berlinale – that’s 75 years full of stories, minor and major scandals, unforgettable moments and, above all, a long and ...
The 75th Berlin International Film Festival is supported by the Principal Partners Armani beauty, CUPRA and Mastercard.
The cinema of Michel Franco often feels like content under pressure. Whether he is charting a society’s collapse or a family’s disintegration, his films always ...
Tom Tykwer’s longstanding fascination with Berlin has found a firm place in his illustrious filmography: from his debut feature <em class="tit2">Deadly Maria</em ...
The International Short Film Jury awards the Golden Bear for Best Short Film, the Silver Bear – Jury Prize (Short Film) and the Berlinale Shorts CUPRA Filmmaker Award which is endowed with 20,000 ...
Come and hear about the BIPoC Alliance’s mission and film initiatives as part of an hour of networking and film discussions held in the Hub before the final weekend of the Berlinale and the last ...
Berlin fasziniert Tom Tykwer seit Jahrzehnten und ist ein Dreh- und Angelpunkt seines viel gerühmten Filmschaffens – man denke nur an sein Spielfilmdebüt <em ...
The directory of accredited industry professionals and members of the press at the Berlinale can be viewed only by accredited professionals who are logged into their Berlinale Account.
Das Teilnehmer*innenverzeichnis der bei der Berlinale akkreditierten Fachbesucher*innen und Pressevertreter*innen ist nur für eingeloggte Akkreditierte einsehbar.
Vom 15. bis 21. Februar rückt Berlinale Goes Kiez das Kiezkino in den Fokus. An sieben Tagen werden ausgewählte Festivalfilme in den Programmkinos der Hauptstadtregion gezeigt. Ergänzt wird die Reihe ...
Admission to the screenings for people of 18 years and over only (with the exception of Generation screenings). If a film has an FSK age-rating certificate, appropriate age-based access can be granted ...