Lorsque vous conduisez, concentrez-vous sur ce qui est le plus important : la route. Évitez le coût d’une condamnation pour distraction au volant et la tragédie personnelle d’une collision mortelle ou ...
Taking your focus away from the road, even for the briefest glance, can have serious consequences. While it may be tempting to check your phone to see who just sent you that text, it can wait. In ...
Council today approved developing a new housing taskforce that will evaluate ideas to advance housing projects and reduce approval times for development applications. Staff will report back to a joint ...
Mayor Mark Sutcliffe and Wendy Stephanson, City Manager, will respond to media questions after tomorrow's Council meeting.
There are multiple services to help support entrepreneurs through the process of owning a business. Teams within By-law and Regulatory Services educate residents and businesses on the regulations.
Ottawa Public Health (OPH) is alerting the public about potential exposure to blood-borne infections for individuals who received a manual facial with use of a comedone extractor with lancet (used to ...
The City of Ottawa has two signs by-laws that regulate election signs for municipal, provincial, and federal elections: the Temporary Signs on Private Property By-law (No. 2004-239) and the Signs on ...
Between Robert-Guertin Park and Ride and Jacques-Cartier Park North February 1, 8 and 15, from 9 am to 9 pm February 2, 9 and 16, from 9 am to 6 pm No service on Monday, February 17 Hop on a Sno-Bus ...
Les affiches électorales sur une propriété publique ou privée ne doivent pas être : à moins de cinquante centimètres (50 cm) d’un trottoir, ou, s’il n’y a pas de trottoir, à moins de deux mètres (2 m) ...