Inspection results for facilities in Niagara, including food, tattoo, hair salons, pools and beaches.
12 local municipalities are in Niagara.
Niagara Region Public Health works with facilities and provide infection prevention and control best practices to manage outbreaks. Watch the COVID-19 in Niagara outbreak management video. For more ...
Mon. - Fri., 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
These teaching tools are designed to support teachers in creating comprehensive lesson plans to cover health-related content in the classroom. The resources are guidelines and suggestions for teachers ...
If you think you or a loved one is experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 right away or go to the nearest emergency department. Know your health care options. The following is a list of family ...
Seniors Community Programs offers a variety of social, wellness and outreach services to older adults. Programs are intended to help older adults remain safe and independent at home for as long as ...
Protect yourself and others from COVID-19, flu and RSV ...
The Niagara Peninsula Standard Contract Document was developed in order to provide an effective document which could be used throughout Niagara. A standard document provides consistency and fairness ...
From turning on a tap or flushing a toilet to driving along a regional road, disposing of garbage or recyclables, or taking transit between municipalities - the services provided by Public Works play ...
Residents can drop off household hazardous waste at depots year round.