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The Comoros Islands are located in the northern zone of the Strait of Mozambique. They are located between Africa and Madagascar. This state is an archipelago of three large and a number of small ...
Tom, W2SC will be active as 8P5A from Barbados Island, IOTA NA - 021, in ARRL DX SSB Contest, 1 - 2 March 2025. He will operate in Single Operator All Band, High Power Category. Barbados is located at ...
Yuri, VE3DZ will be active as TO4A from Martinique Island, IOTA NA - 107, 13 - 17 February and 28 February - 3 March 2025. He will operate on HF Bands including activity in ARRL DX CW and SSB Contests ...
Команда VP2VI будет активна с Британских Виргинских островов, IOTA NA - 023, в апреле 2025. Команда в составе - DA1DX ex DL6FBL, DK9IP, DL8LAS, DM6EE. VP2VI. Британские Виргинаские острова. DX ...
VP2VI Team will be active from British Virgin Islands, IOTA NA - 023 in April 2025. Team - members of the Bavarian Contest Club, DA1DX ex DL6FBL, DK9IP, DL8LAS, DM6EE.
Филипп, F1DUZ в настоящее время вновь активен из Гваделупы, IOTA NA-102, позывным FG4KH.
Elvira, IV3FSG will be active as D68Z from Moroni, Comoro Islands, IOTA AF - 007, 28 February - 18 March 2025.
Philippe, F1DUZ is currently active again as FG4KH from Guadeloupe, IOTA NA-102. He will operate on HF Bands, including activity in REF SSB Contest. Between the Lesser Antilles - Dominica and Antigua ...
Fabio, IK4QJF is currently active as HI3/IK4QJF from Dominican Republic, IOTA NA - 096. He will operate on 80 - 10m, SSB and Digital Modes.
Команда 5N9DTG будет активна из Абуджа, Нигерия, в течении двух недель начиная в начиная с 17 февраля 2025. Команда в составе членов Rebel DX Group. Последние DX споты 5N9DTG 5N9DTG Поиск связей в ...
Elvira, IV3FSG will be active as D68Z from Moroni, Comoro Islands, IOTA AF - 007, 28 February - 18 March 2025.