Crudo Gas Natural Instalaciones de producción Capex Costa adentro Convencionales Tipo de Extracción Petróleo de Esquisto No ...
Analysis, reports, news and interviews about your industry in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
The country's six biggest infrastructure groups closed last year with a combined backlog of more than US$200bn, while total ...
A roundup of oil and gas news from Argentina.
MEXDC points out serious challenges in terms of access to energy and infrastructure installation, in addition to late responses to important procedures, ...
MEXDC señala serios desafíos en materia de acceso a la energía e instalación de infraestructura, además de respuestas tardías en importantes trámites, ...
O MEXDC aponta sérios desafios em termos de acesso à energia e instalação de infraestrutura, além de respostas tardias a procedimentos, concessões e ...
Analysis, reports, news and interviews about your industry in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
El año pasado, el regulador Ositrán informó inversiones récord de más de US$ 1.000 millones, pero, dado que las obras de ampliación del aeropuerto Jorge ...
Last year, regulator Ositran reported record investments of over US$1bn, but with expansion works at the Jorge Chávez airport nearly finished, this year's ...
George Santoro, executive secretary at the transport ministry, talks with BNamericas about the plans for the nation's ...
Analysis, reports, news and interviews about your industry in English, Spanish and Portuguese.