금융권 자체 담보 감정평가 해묵은 논쟁 매듭 짓나정부, 실태조사 착수 금감원, 이달 금융권 자체 감정평가 실태조사 착수 국토부, 조사결과 기반으로 금융 당국과 논의 시작 감정평가업계 자체 평가, 위법성 있어편법대출 우려도 ...
Korea Securities Finance Corporation held a board meeting on 23rd and announced the new appointments of Kim Hee-moon as the head of the management department and Seol Kyung-a as the head of the review ...
The National Pension Service's Fund Management Headquarters recently announced on the 23rd that it has invested a total of 2.3 trillion won in global asset management firm equity acquisition (GP Stake ...
Woowa Brothers, the operator of Baedal Minjok, announced on the 23rd that it will implement a 100 billion won guarantee loan program for small business owners in the restaurant industry and ...