Sesame AI has publicly released the underlying technology powering its wildly popular Maya voice assistant. The company ...
AI 公司 Sesame 发布了为其令人印象深刻的语音助手 Maya 提供支持的基础模型。 这个拥有 10 亿参数 ("参数"指模型的各个组成部分) 的模型采用 Apache 2.0 ...
机器之心报道机器之心编辑部语音恐怖谷是指在语音合成技术中,当 AI 合成语音接近人类的真实语音,但又存在细微的不自然或不完美之处时,会引发人类的不适感。在 AI 这条赛道上,语音助手也是大家重点发力的领域。你可能已经和 OpenAI ...
Biography: Maya Alagh is an Indian film actress, who has worked predominantly in the Bollywood.
Welcome back to Week in Review! I'm , TechCrunch's deputy managing editor, and I'll be writing this newsletter from here on ...
Most of the focus in generative AI has been on text-based interfaces used to generate text, images, and more. The next wave appears to be voice, and it’s ...