Animals are finely adapted to their native habitats, but when they are introduced to other ecosystems, they can become ...
Fettuccine Alfredo is an immensely popular dish at American and Italian-American restaurants. But, it's not actually all that ...
One of Nepal’s biggest cities on the northwestern fringes of Chitwan National Park has been dumping its municipal waste in a ...
Bodh Raj Mourya, also of Gaidahawa, keeps two dogs that bark nonstop whenever nilgais enter his fields, waking him up so he ...
(美里11日讯)持有受保护动物羽毛亦属违法,美里一名女子遭判守行为一年。美里地方法庭今日裁定,一名本地女子因非法持有受保护野生动物的羽毛,被判一年守行为,并须以7000令吉无押金保证金及一名本地担保人作担保。该名被告为53岁的朱斯蒂娜拉英,她经营传统手工艺品。她是在《1998年野生 ...
With the increasing prevalence of natural disaster impacts, the Queensland Government is committed to supporting the recovery and ongoing resilience building of a region’s natural and/or heritage ...