美国社交平台Reddit (红迪网)联合创始人奥哈尼安(Alexis Ohanian)周一 (3月3日)宣布加入组织收购TikTokde “自由计划”(Project ...
观点网讯: 3月4日,美国职业棒球大联盟 (MLB)洛杉矶道奇队前老板Frank McCourt宣布,Reddit联合创办人Alexis Ohanian已加入收购TikTok的竞标团队Project Liberty,将出任专注于社交媒体的战略顾问。McCourt表示,Ohanian对社交媒体有深刻见解,将有助推广Project Liberty对TikTok的竞标。
钛媒体App 3月3日消息,据报道,美国亿万富翁Frank McCourt宣布,Reddit联合创始人兼风险投资家Alexis ...
Reddit co-founder and investor Alexis Ohanian has joined billionaire Frank McCourt’s bid to acquire TikTok as a strategic ...
Frank McCourt announced on Monday that Alexis Ohanian, the co-founder of Reddit and a venture capitalist, has joined his bid ...
Reddit cofounder Alexis Ohanian thinks AI will moderate future social media, allowing users to set tolerance levels for ...
Reddit cofounder Alexis Ohanian has joined up with Frank McCourt and “Shark Tank” star Kevin O’Leary on their bid to acquire ...
Reddit cofounder and Seven Seven Six partner Alexis Ohanian has joined billionaire Frank McCourt's bid to acquire TikTok, ...
Reddit (RDDT) co-founder Alexis Ohanian, has joined a venture capitalist in aiding former Los Angeles Dodgers owner Frank McCourt’s bid to buy ...
"Where he can help mostly is validating but also socializing what we're doing," former Dodgers owner Frank McCourt says ...
McCourt announced on Monday that Ohanian has joined the bid as a strategic adviser specializing in social media ...
Alexis Ohanian, co-founder of Reddit, has joined The People’s Bid, an initiative seeking to acquire TikTok’s US assets.