In response to issues such as the high myopia rate among college studentscalled "fragile constitution" phenomenon,the "Sports ...
China plans to cut its smoking rate from 24.1% to 20% by 2030 for those aged 15 and older, as outlined in the Healthy China ...
为什么 AI 对网络安全变得至关重要?因为每天,实际上每秒,恶意行为者都在利用人工智能扩大其攻击方法的范围和速度。 正如 CrowdStrike 的高级副总裁 Adam Meyers 在最近接受 VentureBeat 采访时所说:“对手每年快了 ...
China's expertise and experience in building windbreaks on deserts have earned global acclaim. By using grass grids made of wheat straw to stabilize the sand, vast numbers of people from all walks of ...
本文由论文原创团队投稿点击查看原文引用本文Zhou R, Chen J, Huang R, Yang Y, Shi Y. The Failure Rate of Liver Stiffness Measured by ...
除了眼前的问题,因鼻、鼻窦、 口腔、中耳间有通道相交通,长期的慢性过敏性鼻炎还可能会合 并鼻窦炎、支气管炎、咽炎、中耳炎、眼结合膜炎、扁桃体肥大、腺样体肥大、睡眠呼吸障碍 等一系列疾病发生 [1]。
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
如今,凭借着科学的测算数据和可爱的产品形象,已经获得了全球 171 个国家地区 App Store 的编辑推荐的 StressWatch,在上线之初也曾写过“自荐信”,但当时却石沉大海。不过在两个月后,Patrick 发现 StressWatch ...
2025 年春招期间,人工智能行业热度居高不下,成为求职者关注的焦点。据智联招聘数据显示,2025 年春招首周,人工智能行业求职人数同比增速达到 33.4%,在各行业中位列第一。其中,人工智能工程师的求职增速更是高达 ...
Topmost, that is, in terms of quality, ability, popularity, etc. In other words, these musicians are the best among peers.
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
周五,BMO Capital Markets更新了对Flagship Communities REIT(MHC-U:CN)(OTC:FLGMF)的展望,将目标价从19.00美元上调至19.50美元,同时维持"优于大市"评级。BMO Capital的分析师Tom Callaghan就此次调整提供了见解,认为这一调整是基于公司的增长前景和价值表现的综合考量。