In early 2024, the gardening world was rocked—not by the kind of snails that munch your lettuce, but by a viral sensation: ...
With spring just around the corner, you may want to start your seeds indoors. Here are some things you should know.
There are flowers you want to start as seedlings and others that are best grown from seed, like this stunning and popular ...
While a lush garden with showy blooms isn’t exactly in the cards in the coming weeks, one thing you can do is start ...
What’s a seed snail? Picture a cinnamon roll-like coil of potting mix and plastic filled with seedlings. It maximizes your ...
Growing from seed is a subject close to our garden editor's heart, and in her new course from Create Academy, you can get all the advice you'll need to do it yourself ...
Seed libraries may be especially helpful to new gardeners or growers with limited space, such as those living in dorms or ...
Starting tomatoes and peppers from seed is one of the more rewarding endeavors a home gardener can undertake. Planting a tiny ...
However, the best motivation for starting seeds indoors is the challenge of doing it. This is especially true if you have younger children. Growing plants from seeds is a great way to get the kids ...
Growing onions from seed is budget-friendly and easier than you think. Growing onions from seed takes a bit more planning than planting onion sets, but it has a lot of perks. Not only are onion ...