与此同时,Gartner 在其最近的研究《新兴技术影响雷达:预防性网络安全》中写道:“恶意行为者正在利用生成式 AI 以机器速度发起攻击。组织不能再等到检测到漏洞后才采取行动。预测潜在攻击并优先采取预防性缓解措施已变得至关重要。” ...
本文由论文原创团队投稿点击查看原文引用本文Zhou R, Chen J, Huang R, Yang Y, Shi Y. The Failure Rate of Liver Stiffness Measured by ...
A Chinese research team has developed an AI tool that predicts liver cancer recurrence risk with 82.2 percent accuracy, ...
BEIJING, March 17 (Xinhua) -- The central parity rate of the Chinese currency renminbi, or the yuan, strengthened 50 pips to 7.1688 against the U.S. dollar Monday, according to the China Foreign ...
China plans to cut its smoking rate from 24.1% to 20% by 2030 for those aged 15 and older, as outlined in the Healthy China ...
Tracked by China's leading heavy equipment manufacturer, SANY Group, and an industrial internet service provider, ROOTCLOUD, the index's rise signals accelerating infrastructure investment in China.
Blackrock Floating Rate Income Strategies Fund (FRA)3月3日公告2025年第3次现金分红方案,每股分配0.3715美元,本次派息股息率为2.85%。
Nuveen Floating Rate Income Fund (JFR)3月3日公告2025年第3次现金分红方案,每股分配0.17美元,本次派息股息率为1.99%。