The diagnosis can usually be made with either an upright intravenous pyelogram (IVP) or renal ultrasound. In these cases, renal function may be lost if repair is not performed expeditiously.
Kidney stones are pebble-sized deposits that form when there’s too much salt and minerals in your urine. Learn whether men or women are more at risk, what passing one feels like, and how big ...
Urologic evaluation revealed a normal intravenous pyelogram. Cystoscopy was also performed, and the bladder was considered to be architecturally normal. The patient remained asymptomatic except ...
It is characterised by the presence of stones that originate from or are located in the urinary system. The diagnosis may be confirmed by an abdominal x-ray or an intravenous pyelogram. Codes for ...
An intravenous pyelogram showed a nonfunctioning left kidney. On a film of the chest numerous pulmonary metastases were observed (Fig. 4 A). Figure 4 Multiple Pulmonary Metastases in the ...
河南省是我国重要的苹果产区之一,主要分布在豫北山区、豫西黄土高原和黄河故道。其中豫西苹果产区规模最大,但问题也较多。品种落后,树龄老化严重,现有苹果园树龄超过 20 年的占比超过50%,产量下降,品质降低,品种及栽培技术亟须更新改造。随着 ...