In a rare interview, the Elliott Management founder Paul Singer talked about the hedge fund's activism, market risks, and ...
The state of stock markets today are just about as risky as I have ever seen,’ says billionaire investor Paul Singer, in a ...
Elliott Management founder Paul Singer said investors are complacent, AI buzz is overblown, and crypto may threaten the ...
Elliott Management bet against Nvidia using put options last quarter, filings show. Paul Singer's firm had "at least $600 ...
在当今资本市场,强调收益和影响力的激进投资者已成为一个不可忽视的力量,其中Elliott Management公司创始人Paul Singer无疑是最引人瞩目的代表之一。近日,挪威主权财富基金CEO Nicolai Tangen与Singer进行了一次别开生面的对话,谈及Singer在星巴克的投资经历、人工智能的高估值现象以及对未来市场的看法。
作者:MD出品:明亮公司近日,挪威主权财富基金CEO Nicolai Tangen与知名激进投资基金Elliott Mangaement的创始人Paul Singer展开了一场对话。Paul Singer于1977年创立Elliott ...
Elliott Management bet against Nvidia using put options last quarter, filings show. Paul Singer's firm had "at least $600 million in downside exposure" to the chip maker, one analyst said.
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