Like other animals and humans, rabbits can suffer from a variety of health issues. Among the most common are respiratory ...
为探究台湾地区病猪源多杀性巴氏杆菌(Pasteurella multocida)特性,嘉义大学研究人员开展研究,发现 D:L6 和 ST10 型最流行,floR 基因与耐药相关,为猪病防控提供指导。
IF you own a dog or a cat, you’re most likely reaping the benefits of having a pet in your family. Fur babies have been credited for improving people’s mental health—they’re happier, more relaxed, and ...
据越《农业报》报道,经越南农业与农村发展部第三区兽医分局检测确认,自2月6日至今广治省境内33头水牛死亡的原因为感染多杀巴斯德杆菌病(pasteurella multocida)。目前广治省已组织销毁死牛,对疫区开展消毒,并为涉及地区的184头水牛、奶牛预防性注射抗生素。