CXL does not alter topographic or refractive parameters, allowing clinicians to fit these patients with scleral lenses before the procedure.
Background/aim To assess the clinical outcome of the first series of Quarter-Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (Quarter-DMEK), a potential hybrid technique between ‘descemetorhexis only’ and ...
At your regular eye exam, one thing your eye doctor always checks is your intraocular pressure. That's the pressure inside your eyes. It gives an important picture of your eye health and can find ...
Purpose: To evaluate the change in corneal biomechanics in patients with postoperative ectasia risk when combining two common laser vision correction procedures (tPRK and FS-LASIK) with cross-linking ...
4 11 All patients underwent standard ophthalmic examinations, including Snellen best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and refraction, IOP measured by non-contact tono-pachymetry and exophthalmometry ...
Kerato-Refractometer, Non-Contact Tonometer and Pachymeter are now combined in one single unit Fully Automated Measurement TRK-1P "P" Stands for pachymetry ...