The Lakewood Starz Gymnastics Team competed against nine teams Feb. 1-2. The Level 2 gymnasts took fourth place as a team.
Few features of any organism draw more attention than their color. Color can play an important role in an organism’s survival, providing camouflage and photoprotection, and influencing sexual ...
王公贵胄们表现得能支撑宇宙,以此显示他们的力量。 这个宇宙的要素之一是囚禁在笼中的兽群。 1971年,纪录片Blue Water, White Death首次将大白鲨的 ...
Lobed tegumental glands are found only in terrestrial isopods and are thought to have evolved in response to challenges associated with life on land. By examining 30 terrestrial isopod species, we ...