Syntec Optics在使用先进制造技术生产航空飞行员高分辨率国防微显示器方面拥有十年经验。这个新项目订单凸显了公司对创新的承诺,以及在预计到2032年将扩展至超过8000亿美元的AR/VR/MR市场中的established地位。
涡轮瞄准镜公司(Vortex Optics)展出了刚刚在全球市场推出的“蝰蛇(Viper)”,这是一款专门为霰弹枪研制的红点瞄准镜,是先进的即用型瞄准解决方案,适用于狩猎、运动射击、家庭防御和战术泵动/半自动霰弹枪。
Though he received degrees from the University of Michigan and returned as a professor, Stephen Forrest’s path began at a ...
Syntec Optics的项目经理Joel Lawther强调了他们先进光学制造能力在实现这一创新中的重要性。Lawther表示:"通过将激光光束导入我们OEM合作伙伴的PICs,我们正在促进打造一个强大工具,为研究人员提供前所未有的人类细胞反应洞察。"该技术初期重点关注肺部和脑组织模型。公司过去十二个月的毛利率为23%,收入增长4.4%,显示出良好的运营指标。 InvestingPro ...
Crown Castle sold its fiber optics business to EQT Active Core Infrastructure fund and Zayo Group Holdings for a total of ...
Mar. 11, 2025 — Where there's water, there are waves. But what if you could bend water waves to your will to move floating objects? Scientists have now developed a technique to merge waves in a ...
Body camera footage captured the moment when a 3-year-old girl put her hands behind her back, copying her mother during a ...
Leica goes bold with capri blue & apple green Ultravid Colorline compact binoculars that let your personality shine ...
In the quest for ultra-secure, long-range quantum communication, two major challenges stand in the way: the unpredictable ...
We put Starfield Optics' flagship Géar telescope — the Starfield Géar 115 Triplet APO — to the test. It did not disappoint.