Another change: the word “dummy,” long unofficial, is now accepted officialese for the “declarer’s partner.” * Dictated by the Whist Club of New York and the American Contract Bridge League.
While the police insisted no permission was given, the musician announced he had got the go-ahead. Publicity stunt or cross-connection, it provided a snapshot of the difficulties officialese pose to ...
While ancient Greece didn’t have a police force in the same way we think of them today, they did have systems for maintaining order and enforcing laws. Therefore, as an institution, the police are ...
It was a university education all over again. Most government officialese is defensive and distances its authors from their advice. Officials distance and protect themselves from issues by using the ...
The new PM had fittingly delivered the Congress party's metaphor for the pogrom, even though officialese and media reports at the time, and even now, continue to refer to it as the 1984 anti-Sikh ...
One might think that ‘after Communism’ is an uncomplicated idea, experience, or socio-political condition, but in the two countries of South-East Asia which I intend to discuss—namely, colonized, ...