When my first child was born I wanted my husband to suffer through the sleepless nights with us. For the second, we got a ...
Speech therapist Jessie Ginsburg's core values are freedom, flexibility, and passion. She realized her husband's were safety ...
I expected my sex life to flourish after I got married. Every newlywed couple I spoke to gushed about how marriage had ...
Dear Eric: Often when I make a comment or tell a story my husband corrects me. If I try and defend what I’ve said, he just ...
Recently, the organization that runs the psychiatric hospital where my husband works as a nurse announced rather abruptly ...
In today's Dear Annie column, Annie Lane gives advice to a woman who feels like she's walking on eggshells around her husband ...
Dear Feeling Trapped: You are feeling trapped because that is exactly what your husband is trying to do to you. His behavior ...
"He calls me names, belittles me and makes me feel like I’m always in the wrong. I try to keep the peace, but it feels like ...
"Even though I earn as much — or sometimes more — than he does, I still feel like I have to justify my spending, while he ...
Dear Annie: Money can be one of the biggest sources of stress in a marriage, and it sounds like some people who write in to ...
"When he is in this loop, he will refer to the issue frequently but not take any steps to fix the issue. This really stresses ...
I always dreamed of leaving the US and moving abroad. When I finally got the chance, it gave me a new appreciation for ...