School resource officers in Milwaukee Public Schools have a specific job that differs in some ways from the role of a regular ...
Abughrin specifically mentioned a need for police at the Wisconsin Conservatory for Lifelong Learning, where one of her ...
The health department also shared some of its results from this past weekend's lead testing clinic at Bradley Tech High ...
The City of Milwaukee Health Department (MHD) and Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) continue to take critical steps to assess ...
Evers' office sent MPS a letter ordering the district to improve how it cleans schools with high levels of lead.MPS submitted ...
A hearing took place on Monday, during which Borowski demanded that the city show the progress it has made toward complying ...
The long-term plan is supposed to include how MPS will address lead concerns in the remaining 85 schools built before 1978.
Students were never given a chance to articulate their needs before or after the mandated return of 25 police officers to MPS ...
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services and Milwaukee Health Department issued a noncompliance order regarding lead ...
Over 14 months after Wisconsin's Act 12 went into effect and a series of court dates for a lawsuit ensued, school resource ...