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Science volunteers introduced AI, tech innovation, and hands-on experiments to students at Pengshan No. 2 Middle School in ...
An Wei, secretary of the Communist Party of China Zhengzhou committee, called for all officials in the city to master the use ...
美国俄亥俄州克利夫兰高地(Cleveland Heights)上周四(27日)一辆校车无故起火,幸好司机冷静应对,迅速地疏散学生。校巴后来完全陷入火海,事故没有造成人员伤亡。
Students interact with a robot dog at a middle school in Meishan, Sichuan province, on Monday, the first day of their new semester. The event aimed to raise students' awareness of technological innova ...
In July 2023, Wu Yuhuai joined Elon Musk’s newly formed xAI as a co-founder, with the goal of advancing artificial ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
在采访中,来自苏世民书院的Souleymane分享了他在本次实践过程中的经历。他讲述了自己为中学生教授关于自我意识、多元文化理解和团队合作的课程,特别提到了“棉花糖挑战”这一活动。在活动中,一名学生深刻表达了自己对团队合作的看法: ...
鲁东大学5名学子将依托武术海外大学生就业创业实践基地开展为期半年的实践项目,他们将深入加州Pinole Middle School、中华武术学院、禅龙功夫学院、少林功夫学院、北加州华人文化体育协会承担武术执教和创业管理工作。
北京时间2月18日,世界斯诺克巡回赛官方宣布,罗尼-奥沙利文因医疗原因退出了下周在玉山举办的2025斯诺克世界公开赛。 奥沙利文原定在本周日的首轮比赛中对阵斯图尔特-卡灵顿,现由2024Q School中排名最高的选手丹尼尔-沃默斯利递补参赛。