Confused about menstrual cups and pads? This comprehensive guide compares cost, environmental impact, health considerations, ...
Silence around menstruation has never solved problems mdash;it has only deepened them . For generations, periods have been ...
Pineapples are rich sources of bromelain, vitamin C and manganese that can help in managing period pain naturally.
The average age for menopause in Uganda is around 46, so if it occurs at 32, it is considered premature menopause ...
The Auditor General has faulted the Ministry of Education for failing to address issues related to menstrual hygiene which ...
More men and women say they understand the challenges around endometriosis, yet it can still be something of a ‘taboo’ ...
This Endometriosis Awareness Month – and in light of new research showing that those with the condition earn less – our ...
Through most of her 20s, Ms Namira Mohamad Marsudi was in pain almost every day and felt that no one understood what she was ...
Endometriosis is already a tough condition to deal with, but when it affects the bladder, it brings a whole new set of ...
Raising awareness about endometriosis is essential in Ireland, with 155,000 women suffering from the condition in this ...
Despite an initial unnoticed migration, a chest x-ray and CT scan reveal the implant embedded in a subsegmental artery.
Common risk factors for iron deficiency include pregnancy, heavy menstrual periods, poor diet, digestive disorders, frequent ...