北京时间3月10日,24-25意大利女排联赛8进4首回合,科内利亚诺主场3-0战胜贝加莫,在三场两胜的比赛中占得先机。三局比分:25-18、25-11、25-16本场比赛,朱婷16扣7中得到7分,另外有1失误0被拦+成功率44%;一传数9个0失误+到 ...
直播吧03月10日讯 据名记Shams报道,消息源透露,火箭前锋阿门-汤普森因左脚踝扭伤将缺阵10至14天。 核磁共振检查结果显示阿门的脚踝无结构性损伤,但他将接受康复治疗和消肿治疗。
People cut a cake at a special ceremony honoring women's contribution to the aviation industry in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa on March 7, 2025.
记者从中国海油获悉,位于我国北部湾海域的涠洲10-5油气田获得高产油气流,标志着北部湾海域油气勘探获重大突破。 涠洲10-5油气田位于北部湾海域,距离广西北海市约75公里,平均水深约37米。探井在水下近5000米,获得厚度达283米油气层。
Ethiopian Airlines is conducting an all women-only flight to Athens, Delhi, Dubai, Windhoek and Sao Paulo in connection with ...
Africa s leading carrier Ethiopian Airlines said on Saturday in a press release that it has operated all women functioned ...
From Goldbach’s conjecture to Goldbach’s law, the present proof is based on reflecting the series of the primes over any ...
Addis Ababa’s Reppi Waste-to-Energy plant is operating at half capacity, putting the City Administration on the hook for more than 240 million birr in annual compensation payments to the state-owned ...
With regard to Lemma Shehadi's report Windsor Castle hosts its first open iftar (March 3): This is beautiful to see. We can ...