The exhibition showcases the exquisite Gongxian ceramics and their journey across the seas. Experience the vibrant culture ...
A Southwest Airlines passenger plane nearly collided with a private jet at the Chicago Midway International Airport Tuesday morning, local media reported.
据外媒报道,肯德基(KFC,Kentucky Fried Chicken)的所有者百胜餐饮集团(Yum Brand)18日表示,肯德基美国总部将从肯塔基州的路易斯维尔迁往得克萨斯州的普莱诺。 KFC, the fast food chain ...
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Donald Trump has of late added lumber and forest products to previously ...
近日,新西兰展开了新一轮的旅游宣传攻势,此次目标是吸引邻国澳大利亚的游客。 新西兰旅游局在澳大利亚本地推出“每个人都必须去”(Everyone Must Go)的广告语和宣传视频。