ABSTRACT: Singh, Gewali, and Khatiwada proposed a skewness measure for probability distributions called Area Skewness (AS), which has desirable properties but has not been widely applied in practice.
ABSTRACT: Singh, Gewali, and Khatiwada proposed a skewness measure for probability distributions called Area Skewness (AS), which has desirable properties but has not been widely applied in practice.
DSI, an ESG-focused ETF, is likely to underperform as ESG relevance declines and demand weakens. Check out my recommendation ...
Background Respiratory rate (RR) is an independent predictor of adverse outcomes and an integral component of many risk prediction scores for hospitalised adults. Yet, it is unclear if RR is recorded ...
Objectives To determine the distribution of prostate cancer (PCa) patients between physical activity and kinesiophobia, ...
Then, the proposed method computes the squared envelope autocorrelation function of the filtered signals. And the filtered signals greater than or equal to half of the maximum spectrum kurtosis are ...
During the analysis, wavelet coefficients of the output current of the inverter are taken into account together with their kurtosis, and skewness values. A comparative analysis has been conducted to ...
为了让干涉仪达到最佳状态,研究人员还开发了一种基于射频的调谐协议。他们通过测量在一种特殊配置下(其中一个小量子点被最大程度失谐,相当于暂时断开了回路)的量子电容,并与模拟结果进行对比,从而成功提取出了各种耦合参数,如 、 、 和 。这一过程就像是在解开一个复杂的谜题,每一个参数都是谜题中的关键线索。
为解决口腔颌面外科手术中面罩通气评估难题,上海健康医学院附属周浦医院的研究人员开展基于 CT 的 3D 影像组学与临床联合模型研究。结果显示该混合模型预测准确性高,能助力麻醉医生识别风险患者,值得科研读者一读。