Someone else chimed in with: "It's his voice that annoys me. The forced jolliness. Ugh." Another agreed: "It's his annoying voice. I like the masked singer. But that ' everyboodeee' gets on my ...
Citroën clearly hasn’t realised that nothing raises an English person’s blood pressure as much as enforced jolliness. Except perhaps enforced jolliness at the hands of the French… If you can get past ...
[CHRISTMAS PRESENT/ AS CAST]: Any Gender. Any race/ethnicity. 40s+. A spirit of immense jolliness and good spirits, such that it overflows from them. The incarnate of Christmas fun, with a talent ...
You can even attend a Krampusnacht festival in December if you dare. How's that for jolliness? Red One arrives in theaters on Nov. 15, with streaming release to follow on Prime Video.