An international study published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres has provided new insights into global ...
Using radioactive isotope systems to determine the age and origins of minerals and rocks, primarily as tracers of magmatic processes and the evolution of the earth. Organic molecules in natural waters ...
The discovery that weather radar systems can detect meteorite falls marks a significant leap in how scientists study and ...
Research led by Jilin University, China, is providing bioarchaeological evidence on a mass grave at the Bayanbulag site in ...
The change in isotopic abundance is called fractionation (Karasov & Martínez del Rio 2007). Different environments are often characterized by predictable isotopic signatures (West et al.
The IAEA offers a variety of training courses in the fundamentals of isotope hydrology and isotopic analyses of stable isotopes, tritium, and noble gases. This course provides an overview of advances ...
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The CSIRO has launched a new tool for isotopic data, food’s unique fingerprint, that can be used to help protect and further ...