The sharp drop in cheese carried over into Class III, with the March contract down 31 cents to $18.69 per hundredweight. “All ...
USDA’s agricultural prices report for January shows some improvement for dairy farmers. The index for January, at 119.9, is ...
The USDA’s indices of prices received and paid moved higher in January. The index of prices received was up 2.1% from ...
Beef market analysts give their best guess on how U.S. tariffs could hit Canadian beef and cattle prices, but market ...
Fleets faced rising operational costs, weak freight volumes, and profitability challenges, though some focused on fleet ...
One week’s change in the weather has brought a big smile to cowboys’ faces, Jerry Nine writes in his weekly column.
Tariffs, avian influenza, artificial intelligence and impending Federal Milk Marketing Order changes are all making dairy ...