“If your dog humps obsessively, licks themselves excessively or seems uncomfortable, take them to the vet; it might be worth a check.” If a behavioural approach doesn’t fix the issue, she explains, ...
Narrator: Eventually, camels migrated across the Bering Strait into regions of Asia and Africa, where the fat inside their humps helped them adapt yet again. This time, to the blistering-hot ...
Ward 30 councillor, Jack Abrahams, lobbied for speed humps in December after the most recent fatal motorcycle accident in November. It was the second time in eight years a biker driving up Ballito ...
After nearly three years of waiting, residents will finally see new speed bumps, a traffic circle and other measures to address chronic speeding and crashes.
The City of Lawrence will be hosting an open house to discuss a plan to use speed humps and other traffic calming devices to ...
Controversial speed humps have been removed from a Jamaica Plain neighborhood after complaints from people who live and drive in the area.
Wayzata’s director of public service is working on a plan that would allow residents to ask for speed humps on the city’s streets. Dave Dudinsky presented a draft of the plan at the Wayzata ...
Residents called on more speed humps to be erected between the entry to Bellamont Road and the KwikSpar following the hit-and ...
The speed humps on Alabama, Michigan and 32nd are getting permanent stripes. City of Longview workers will be striping speed humps starting Thursday, according to a city press release. During this ...