他是继高斯之后,对于数学及其应用(理论物理、电磁理论、动力学、流体力学和天文学等)具有全面知识的最后一人,他就是二十世纪初的领袖数学家亨利·庞加莱(Henri Poincaré)。但与高斯截然不同的是,庞加莱并不擅长计算,甚至一度为计算而犯怵。
This paper presents the important finding that BNIP3/NIX, a mitophagy receptor, and its binding to ATG18 are required for mitophagy during muscle cell reorganization in Drosophila. Although the ...
Greek philosopher Empedocles thought that different temperatures produced different sexes—while others were decidedly ...
Altered gut microbiome profiles correlate with anxiety and depression in humans, and work in animal models has identified ...