BEIJING, Feb. 8 (Xinhua) -- Chinese researchers have unveiled a novel application of the Earth science satellite SDGSAT-1 for observing offshore oil and gas platforms.
加拿大总理贾斯汀·特鲁多告诉商界领袖,唐纳德·特朗普想让加拿大成为美国的一个州,这是认真的。 The remarks made after journalists left a meeting in Toronto were picked up by ...
翘首以盼中,长沙市民即将迎来全新的出行与观光体验!精心筹备打造的湘江观光巴士将在2月9日正式开启试运营,为长沙的旅游出行版图增添一抹亮丽色彩。首批投入运营的8台双层巴士,设计上独具匠心。车身巧妙融入了杜甫江阁、太平老街、洋湖水街、贺龙体育场等长沙著名 ...
首回合客场输球给利物 Liverpool had suffered a controversial 0-1 defeat in the first leg, adding suspense to their chances of a comeback ...
一个曾誓言“要在24小时内结束战争”的人,现在要求中国介入斡旋,这真有点黑色幽默。其实,特朗普甚至无需开口。在俄罗斯发起特别军事行动一年之际,中国便提出了十二点和平方案。 去年,中国与巴西共同发起成立了“乌克兰危机和平之友小组”,该小组还包括其他几个国家。当然,这些努力尚未取得成功。乌克兰总统泽连斯基甚至称中国-巴西和平倡议“具有破坏性”。
"The key word I would give about the Trump administration is going to be 'Change' and how Trump takes the change will have a ...
For years, Chongqing North Station banned stalls, but during Spring Festival this year, dozens were set up, adding a lively ...
CHENGDU, Feb. 8 (Xinhua) -- Approximately 200 people have been evacuated to safety after a landslide buried 10 houses and left over 30 people missing in southwest China's Sichuan Province on Saturday.
• 特朗普政府和埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)领导的政府效率部正着手关闭美国国际开发署。工作人员已被安排行政休假,部分员工向《财富》杂志透露,该机构的沟通一直很混乱。此举遭到国际社会批评,认为可能对全球援助工作造成影响,并导致就业岗位流失。
I’m sure you’ve guessed what it is. "Ne Zha 2”, the sequel to 2019's blockbuster "Ne Zha,” which was also among the top 5 in ...
Just two days before the 9th Asian Winter Games on Feb 7, the curling events have heated up. The venue in Harbin is actually ...