只有在化妆的情况下才需要卸妆?卸妆水、卸妆乳、卸妆膏和卸妆油,到底有什么分别?不同的肤质也要视情况挑合适的卸妆品?卸妆于你,是不是有满满的问题? 日本护肤品牌Hada ...
在经济环境瞬息万变的当下,和达科技(HaDa Technology)于近日发布了2024年业绩快报,展现了其在市场竞争中如何逆势而上。根据快报数据,和达科技预计全年的营业收入将高达4.86亿元,较去年增长41.73%;更令人振奋的是,归属于上市公司股东的净利润终于实现了529.18万元的扭亏为盈,标志着公司战略调整初见成效。
The Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association (HADA) is taking action to combat workforce shortages in the state’s automotive industry. Representing over 65 local dealerships, HADA is dedicated to ...
If you’ve got dry, dehydrated and stressed out skin, the one ingredient that can make it all go away is hyaluronic acid.
UNPO is proud to celebrate the 2025 Nobel Peace Prize nominations of two exceptional human rights defenders from our member communities: Dr. Mahrang Baloch, a ...
RIYADH — The Roads General Authority (RGA) has announced the reopening of Al-Hada Road in Taif for traffic from 5:00 pm on Thursday, Feb. 20, after completing maintenance works. The maintenance ...
Prachi Hada, who plays Keerat in Teri Meri Doriyaann, has quit the show due to creative differences with the makers. Reports suggest that the actress was creatively dissatisfied with the storyline.
The formula contains some powerful skincare heroes, including collagen to support skin structure, hyaluronic acid for deep hydration and a touch of retinol for cell turnover and wrinkle reduction.
Nagpur: The forest department awarded medals to 76 employees, including Nagpur-based DCF Bharat Singh Hada, who received gold medal for his work in fo.