Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.
苹果公司近日宣布,将在即将推出的iOS 18.4和iPadOS 18.4系统中,为海外的Apple News+新闻应用增添一个全新的频道——Apple News+ ...
对于渴望在烹饪世界中探索的用户而言,Apple News+ Food频道堪称一场美食盛宴。除了每日更新的丰富菜谱外,频道特设全新的烹饪模式,以全屏形式展示逐步操作的指引,让每位用户都能轻松驾驭烹饪的乐趣。明显的食材列表配上详细的步骤说明,帮助用户在厨房中毫无压力地发挥创意。
IT之家 2 月 22 日消息,据苹果美国官网新闻稿,苹果公司现已在 iOS / iPadOS 18.4 中为海外 News+ 新闻应用新增 Apple News+ Food 频道,主要收纳各种菜谱,用户需要订阅 Apple News+ 会籍才能使用。苹果表示,该频道将汇聚全球顶级美食出版商(包括 Allrecipes、Bon Appétit、Food & Wine、Good Food 以及 Se ...
IT之家 2 月 22 日消息,据苹果美国官网新闻稿,苹果公司现已在 iOS / iPadOS 18.4 中为海外 News+ 新闻应用新增 Apple News+ Food 频道, 主要收纳各种菜谱,用户需要订阅 Apple News+ 会籍才能使用 。
在IT之家2月22日的报道中,苹果公司自豪地宣布,这一新的菜谱频道将于iOS/iPadOS 18.4版本中正式上线。虽然这项服务需通过Apple News+订阅才能使用,但对美食爱好者而言,这绝对是个值得的投资。
We use essential cookies to make our site work. With your consent, we may also use non-essential cookies to improve user experience and analyze website traffic. By clicking “Accept,” you agree to our ...
Each contestant at the WorldSkills Competition in Lyon carries their own story and expectations. Mavis, participating in Visual Merchandising, will select a prop from a mysterious place for her design ...
Established in 1935, Chan Kwong Kee Jewellery started out in the Central and Sheung Wan area as a shop occupying only half the space of the building it was in. After the war, the Hui family turned the ...